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Spotlight on... Sophie Leach, ACCP

Date: 19 March 2024

[Image - Sophie Leach 11]
  1. What is your job role?

I’m a trainee Advanced Critical Care Practitioner.

  1. What made you choose to do the job you are in now?

I chose this job for a few different reasons, to be honest. Firstly, because we work with critically ill patients and together with the Multidisciplinary Team, we can improve patient outcomes and that is something I am passionate about. I also love that within the Multidisciplinary Team each professional brings a wealth of knowledge and through collaborating and supporting each other we can foster an environment in which we can all grow.

Secondly, because it was a new challenge, I think for me personally it’s important to step out of my comfort zone to progress both professionally and personally. In addition, I knew the Advanced Critical Care Practitioners had a great team and felt confident I could progress in the supportive environment they had created. 

  1. What is your favourite part of your job?

The best part of the job must be seeing the patients improve. Nothing beats seeing patients we have treated come back to Intensive Care Unit, listening to their journey and how much they have improved.

  1. Tell me about the most rewarding experience you have had in your role.

I think it's difficult to pick one experience! But seeing junior members of the grow into confident and competent clinicians knowing you have contributed to a small part of their journey is incredibly rewarding. 

  1. What’s the best advice you have received at work?

The best piece of advice I have received was from a university lecturer when I was an undergraduate, but it has stayed with me since then and it was 'you are capable of anything you want to achieve as long as you are prepared to work hard enough for it' and I think that is so true!

  1. What/who is your biggest motivator at work?

I think my biggest motivator is that health care is constantly evolving, and we need to adapt and learn to continually deliver the best care for our patients and that is a privilege. 

  1. What is on your bucket list for this year?

My goals for the year are to complete my Advanced Critical Care Practitioner training and then to focus on maintaining a healthy work life balance! Which includes plenty of weekends away in our caravan hiking with our dog, spending time with family and friends, and trying to get stronger and fitter in the gym!