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Pre-operative Assessment Team

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Service contact information

Service detail

The Pre-operative Team

The Pre-Operative Team consists of Nurse Practitioners, Consultant Anaesthetists and administration staff. The Pre-operative Team is based in the main outpatient department with the main Walton Centre building.

The Pre-operative Team have a centralised pre-op assessment service to assess patients undergoing neurosurgery, spinal surgery and interventional radiology. The purpose of pre-operative assessment is to determine patient fitness for anaesthesia and surgery, and to optimise patients prior to elective surgery.


When the decision to treat is made you will be given a MyPreOp patient card detailing your hospital's contact information and concise instructions on how to create your account and access the assessment programme. Here you will complete a comprehensive assessment of your general health and medical history. Please aim to provide us with as much information as possible as this will help us to determine what investigations you may need prior to your procedure.

If for some reason you are unable to complete the online assessment then we can invite you into hospital to complete it.

Once completed we will the review the completed assessment and contact you regarding the next steps. You maybe invited in for some routine investigations, you might need to be reviewed by a pre-op practitioner, this all depends on your medical history or the type of surgery you are having. Patients with complex medical conditions are seen in a high-risk anaesthesia clinic.

Getting here

The Walton Centre - Main Hospital Building

[Image - The Walton Centre Main Building]

This building hosts many of our in-patient services, including wards and theatres, and some outpatients services.


Lower Lane, Liverpool, L9 7LJ

Directions and map

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Patient leaflets

Pre-operative assessment

The pre-operative clinic is designed to make sure you are fit enough to go ahead with your planned operation and the anaesthetic

Related content


Royal College of Anaesthetists
Preparing for surgery: Fitter Better Sooner

Page last updated: 08 June 2021