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Dietetic Services

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Service detail


A dietitian is a healthcare professional qualified at degree level and registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), who helps to promote nutritional wellbeing, treat disease, and prevent nutrition related problems. They provide practical and safe advice which is based on current scientific evidence. Dietitians are the only nutrition professionals to be regulated by law and governed by an ethical code, to ensure that they always work to the highest standard. Specialist Dietitians working within the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics are responsible for assessing the nutritional needs and requirements of all inpatients at The Walton Centre and on the Complex Rehabilitation Unit (CRU).

Tailored Nutrition

They aim to deliver tailored nutrition support to meet patient requirements dependent upon various factors including age, gender, nutritional status, and medical condition. Dietitians recommend and review the most appropriate route of nutrition by providing tailored feeding regimens which could be through oral intake, enteral tube feeding or intravenous feeding.

The aim of nutritional therapy is to enable patients to optimise their nutritional status during acute episodes of illness and to support the rehabilitation process.

Dietetic Services

Our dietitians work closely with patients, relatives, and carers to formulate appropriate dietary interventions that specifically address the needs and requirements of the individual. Close collaboration with other departments and healthcare professionals ensures that nutritional therapies and treatments are also supported by key members of the multi-disciplinary team.

The Dietetic Services strive to:

This service is available Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 16:00 (excluding weekends and bank holidays)

Getting here

The Walton Centre - Main Hospital Building

[Image - The Walton Centre Main Building]

This building hosts many of our in-patient services, including wards and theatres, and some outpatients services.


Lower Lane, Liverpool, L9 7LJ

Directions and map

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Referral information

All hospital inpatients on admission should be screened for risk of malnutrition. If indicated, a referral will be made to the dietitians. Nursing and medical staff can make a referral to the dietitians during an inpatient stay.

Patient leaflets

Eating Well During Your Hospital Stay

Making sure that you are eating enough and following a balanced diet is an important part of your hospital stay and can help to minimise tiredness, reduce risk of infection and reduce the length of your hospital stay.

Related content


British Dietetic Association

Page last updated: 24 June 2021