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Electroencephalogram (EEG)

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Service detail

EEG stands for Electroencephalogram. This is a painless test which records the electrical activity of the brain, or ‘brain waves’. Recording this information will help your consultant in the diagnosis and management of your condition. An EEG is used to investigate several different conditions, most commonly blackouts or seizures.


Before the test, please ensure your hair is clean and do not use any hair products such as gel or hairspray. If you have extensive hair extensions/weave these will need to be removed prior to your appointment. Continue to take your medication as normal and bring along a list of current medication.


There are several types of EEG you may be referred for:


The type and duration of EEG you have will depend on what has been requested by your doctor. You may be asked to do things such as sleep deprivation, looking at a flashing light or a deep breathing exercise. Additionally, video footage of the EEG recording may be requested. Consent for these aspects of the test will be discussed with you during your appointment if applicable. 

Getting here

The Walton Centre - Main Hospital Building

[Image - The Walton Centre Main Building]

This building hosts many of our in-patient services, including wards and theatres, and some outpatients services.


Lower Lane, Liverpool, L9 7LJ

Directions and map

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Referral information

Neurophysiology is a consultant referral service only.

Patient leaflets

Sleep Deprived EEG (Electroencephalogram) Patient

EEG stands for Electroencephalogram. This is a recording of the electrical activity of the brain.

Page last updated: 23 June 2021