Multiple sclerosis (MS) nurse service

Service contact information

DMT Coordinators: Charlotte Ashton and Shaun Ellis - 0151 556 3746 / 3745

DMT Administrator - Wales (based at The Walton Centre): Erin Cairns - 0151 556 3745

MS Secretary: Sarah Baker - 0151 556 3369

Service detail

The MS nurse service offers support, advice, information and education to those with a diagnosis of MS.


Services provided:

  • Nurse-led clinics, including assessment, support and problem solving
  • Presence at consultant-led multidisciplinary clinics at The Walton Centre
  • Symptom management and lifestyle advice
  • Newly diagnosed information day
  • Initiation and monitoring of disease modifying treatments
  • Telephone advice line
  • Referral to other disciplines/agencies
  • Education to health professionals


Areas covered:

Merseyside, Cheshire, Warrington, Wirral and Lancashire

  • Carolyn Cairns, MS Nurse Specialist Lead
  • Helen Leggett, MS Nurse Specialist
  • Michal Grochowski, MS Nurse Specialist
  • Jamie Docherty, Nurse Specialist in MS and movement disorders

North Wales

  • Yvonne Copeland, MS Nurse Specialist
  • Michelle Cole, MS Nurse Specialist


Getting here

The Walton Centre - Main Hospital Building

The Walton Centre Main Building

This building hosts many of our in-patient services, including wards and theatres, and some outpatients services.


Lower Lane, Liverpool, L9 7LJ

Directions and map

The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust is not responsible for third-party sites or content.

Referral information

The service is available to anyone with a confirmed diagnosis of MS. You can either self-refer or ask your GP or consultant neurologist to refer you.

Patient leaflets

Alemtuzumab Treatment

Alemtuzumab is licensed to treat adults with active relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (MS), it is not recommended for patients with progressive forms of MS, inactive disease or who are stable on current treatments.

Multiple Sclerosis - Bladder Symptoms

The way we stay continent is a very complex process that allows us to voluntarily delay passing urine until we are in a suitable place. This process can sometimes be affected by Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis - Constipation

Constipation is common in the general population but is more so amongst people with a neurological condition. It is especially common amongst people with MS as messages between the brain and the bowel can become mixed up leading to slower movement of faeces through the bowel.

Multiple Sclerosis - Neurological Long Term Conditions & Therapy Team

The MS Therapy service consists of three Physiotherapists, two Occupational Therapists and one Orthoptist.

Multiple Sclerosis - Oral Methylprednisolone

The aim of methylprednisolone is to help reduce inflammation and speed up recovery during a relapse or exacerbation of MS symptoms.

Multiple Sclerosis - Pelvic Floor Exercises

You can strengthen the pelvic floor muscles by regular exercises. 

Multiple Sclerosis - Specialist Nurse Service

The role of the MS Nurse involves offering support, advice, information, education and help to those who are affected by MS

Neurological Long Term Conditions For Professionals

The Long term condition team consists of five Physiotherapist and four Occupational Therapist, one  Orthoptist.


View all related Patient leaflets

Related Services

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The Integrated Neurology Nurse Service (INNS) was created to bring care closer to patients in their own communities.

Page last updated: 22 June 2021