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Motor Neurone Disease - Palliative Care

What is Palliative Care?

Palliative care aims to achieve the best quality of life for patients with a terminal condition and also support the patient’s family and friends. It is provided by a coordinated team of health care professionals. Palliative care surrounds every day living and can focus on a person’s psychological, spiritual and social well being.

What is offered?

Services include:

  • Pain management
  • Symptom control
  • Complimentary therapies
  • Day therapy
  • Support to live life as actively as possible
  • Support to help family members cope during disease progression and thereafter
  • Counselling

This list is not exhaustive

When is the right time?

Most people believe palliative care is only offered when you are dying, this is not the case. Access to palliative care is appropriate following diagnosis of a life limiting illness. It is for you and your family to decide when and if you would like support from the different services available. This can be at any point during your illness.

How can I be referred?

If you decide that you want to seek palliative care you should ask your GP, district nurse, MDT therapists or the MND nurse specialists to make a referral on your behalf.

Advanced Care Planning

Sometimes people decide that they would like to document their preferences of care in preparation for a time they maybe unable to communicate. ACP can be completed by a palliative care team, GP or your MND team.


Community Macmillan Palliative

Care Nurses:

Are trained in pain and symptom management as well as giving emotional support to patients with a life limiting illness and their families. These nurses may work in hospitals, hospices or visit you at home.


A hospice is a place where you can receive care for symptom management and emotional support as an inpatient or an outpatient. They also offer day centre care and  this allows you to access complimentary therapies and support for your family/friends. There are hospices in each geographical area therefore; if you would like information about your nearest hospice please contact the MND nurses or your MND Regional Care Advisor.


Useful contact telephone numbers:

The Walton Centre - 0151 525 3611

MND Nurse Specialists - 0151 556 4008

MND Connect - 0808 802 6262


  • Last Updated:
    01 June 2024
  • Review Date:
    01 June 2026
  • Author:
    Karen Twist
  • Summary:

    Palliative care aims to achieve the best quality of life for patients with a terminal condition and also support the patient’s family and friends. It is provided by a coordinated team of health care professionals. 

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