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Patient Information Leaflets

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  • Discharge guide for patients following surgery for epilepsy

    This leaflet contains information and answers to frequently asked questions for patients who have had surgery for epilepsy.

  • Epilepsy transition - A young person's guide

    Transitioning from child epilepsy services to adult epilepsy services

  • First Seizure

    This leaflet contains information for those who have had a suspected seizure. It is also useful for family, friends or those who care for a person who has had a seizure for the first time.  

  • Vagal Nerve Stimulator Service

    You may be considering having a vagal nerve stimulator (VNS) if you have tried several anti-epileptic drugs and are still having seizures.

  • WADA Test

    This test helps your doctors to discover which side of your brain controls speech and memory prior to you being considered for epilepsy surgery. 

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