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Falls - Reducing the risk of falls at home

Environmental tips

  • Check for clutter, wires or wet floors.
  • Clean up spillages as quickly as you safely can.
  • Loose rugs should be removed or secured.
  • Use night lights and have a lamp by your bed.
  • Handrails should be securely attached to the walls.
  • None slip mats in the bath/shower.
  • Outdoor steps cleared of moss and wet leaves.

Good habits

  • Make sure you have your glasses and good lighting.
  • Keep your walking aid close enough for you to reach before you stand up.
  • Never rush, allow plenty of time to get your balance when you first stand up.
  • Give yourself enough time to get to the toilet.
  • Make sure your shoes fit, trousers aren’t too long and your dressing gown cord or shoelaces aren’t loose.
  • Keep your phone and other items you use regularly within reach.
  • If you have a falls alarm, wear it!

Lifestyle tips

  • Know your limitations If there is a task you cannot easily complete, do not take a risk, ask for help.
  • Group tasks together to minimise going up and down the stairs.
  • Pace your activities, taking regular breaks.
  • Check with your doctor or therapist about the physical activity and exercise appropriate for you.
  • Getting up from the chair/bed or bending over can cause dizziness, so take your time.
  • If you have been feeling dizzy or light-headed, speak to your doctor.
  • Some medications may cause this and increase your risk of falls

Help available

  • If you have a fall, feel unsteady or have a fear of falling speak to your GP who can:
  • Refer you to a physiotherapist who will help you improve your balance, and will provide walking aids if necessary.
  • Refer you to an occupational therapist who can assess your home environment and help you make adaptations if needed.
  • Arrange for a care package, if you are struggling to safely manage at home and would benefit from assistance with meals and personal care.
  • Create“rescue packs” on the floor, including a bottle of water, cushion and a blanket, so if you do fall you have access to these items whilst awaiting help.

If you fall

  • Do your best to stay calm.
  • If you have no injuries, try to crawl to a chair that you can use to help yourself up.
  • If you have an injury or need assistance to get up, call 999.
  • Last Updated:
    01 June 2024
  • Review Date:
    01 June 2026
  • Author:
    Falls Prevention Steering Group
  • Summary:

    ANYBODY CAN FALL! You can have a higher risk of falls following any illness or surgery.

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