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Motor Neurone Disease - Nurse Specialist Service

Who is the Service for?

The nurse service is available for anyone who has a diagnosis of Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and is under the care of The Walton Centre. With your permission the service is also available to your friends and family who have any questions/concerns.

Services Provided:

  • Present during consultant clinics (2 x weekly)
  • Nurse led clinics (2 x weekly)
  • Nurse advice line (2 x weekly)
  • Ward visits in Walton Centre & University Hospital Aintree if MND is confirmed
  • Telephone advice line
  • Symptom management
  • Referral to other disciplines/agencies

Home visits can be discussed on an individual needs basis. The Integrated Neurology Nurse Specialists (INNS) support patients in Merseyside and Cheshire. Whereas, North Wales have 2 care co-ordinators who can support you locally and at home.


How to make contact:

I work Mondays to Thursdays excluding bank holidays. I work on the wards and in clinics so you will have to leave a message with the nurse advice line and you will be told when I will return your call. This is not a 24 hour service so please call between the hours of 9am-4pm (mon-fri): 0151 556 4008

When should I contact the MND nurse?

  • If you have a question about MND
  • If you are experiencing symptoms and wish to discuss them (non-urgently)
  • If you require advice about independent living
  • If you require help/advice or referral to other services/agencies

Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA)

The MNDA is a national, charitable organisation that offers advice, information and support to all those who are affected by MND. There is a network of branches and groups which offer support group meetings for people with MND and their families. There are two MNDA Regional Care Development Advisers who work with The Walton Centre. The Association is a valuable resource, which can help with a wide range of questions and issues.

Please Remember: I am available for information and support but if you have an urgent problem or an emergency, please contact your GP or local emergency service.

Useful contact telephone numbers:

The Walton Centre

0151 525 3611


MND Connect

0808 802 6262


Regional Care Development Advisors:

Merseyside, Cheshire and West Lancs

Paula Sutton

01604 800639

North Wales and Isle of Man

Jo Cunnah

01604 800628



  • Last Updated:
    17 June 2024
  • Review Date:
    01 June 2026
  • Author:
    Karen Twist MND Team
  • Summary:

    The nurse service is available for anyone who has a diagnosis of Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and is under the care of The Walton Centre.

  • Related Service:

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