Madeleine Fletcher - Head of Fundraising

Madeleine Fletcher

What does your role involve?
My main responsibility is to make sure The Walton Centre Charity raises enough money to support charitable projects in the hospital which benefit patients, their families and staff. I manage the Fundraising Team, who liaise with and support patients who want to raise money for the Charity as a thank you for the care they have received, and who have often benefited from the projects we have funded – which is lovely!

I work with staff talking about new projects and ideas they have for charitable funds and how we can best support them. This might involve advice on how they can apply for existing funds, or if the Charity can help raise funds through a new appeal. A huge part of my role is to engage with external supporters – fundraisers, donors, companies and other organisations – all of whom are incredibly generous and supportive of the work we do.

How do you and your team support staff and patients?
The Walton Centre Charity raises money to support The Walton Centre in providing the best treatment and care possible for its patients and their families, including funding for new and innovative technology, research and development and improved facilities.While patient projects are our main focus, we also support staff through improved facilities, training opportunities, and health and wellbeing initiatives. During the pandemic it was particularly rewarding to be able to facilitate the public’s generous support for staff.

What’s it like working at The Walton Centre?
I love it. I came from a bigger charity where you don’t see the direct impact on the people you are helping as much. As we’re a smaller charity, you’re so close to what’s happening – you get to meet the patients and see directly where the money you have helped raise goes, and the difference it’s making. It’s so rewarding to see that first-hand.

What are some of the challenges you face?

There are a huge amount of good causes for people to support and it’s a difficult economy at the moment, so we very much appreciate the situation a lot of our donors and fundraisers are in, and yet they still support us – we can’t thank them enough.

What’s the most satisfying part of your job at the hospital?
Hearing the feedback from families and supporters who have had experiences at the hospital and knowing that what they want to do to say thank you is raise money for the hospital, and then seeing the direct benefit. Our patients talk so kindly about staff; it’s lovely to hear and to be able to do something to help both them and our staff. They’re all amazing.

  • Summary:

    There are a huge amount of good causes for people to support and it’s a difficult economy at the moment, so we very much appreciate the situation a lot of our donors and fundraisers are in, and yet they still support us – we can’t thank them enough.

  • Last Updated: