Melfield Cardozo - Clinical Physiologist

Melfield Cardozo

How long have you worked at The Walton Centre?
I have been involved with The Walton Centre for almost five years since December 2021!

What’s your background?
I completed my degree in MSc Biological Sciences (Physiology) and then Healthcare Science (Neurophysiology) training at The Walton Centre. I initially started off as HCA at Aintree University Hospital, before volunteering then joining the admin team and finally completing my three year training to become a fully qualified Neurophysiologist, all at The Walton Centre!

Tell us about your role.
My role as Clinical Physiologist involves performing electroencephalogram (EEG) on patients to help diagnose and monitor brain conditions such as epilepsy in both outpatient and inpatient settings. We also visit external hospital sites to perform such tests. I have recently started training in long term EEG monitoring and as a side quest, I am embarking on a mission to spread the awareness of our Neurophysiology services.

What would you be if you were not a Clinical Physiologist?
I have always had love for photography, nature, and travel. So, I’d be a travel photographer whilst experiencing new cultures and share this with the world!

Favourite part of your job?
I love having conversations with different patients every day in our clinics. It’s an opportunity for me to learn a lot from their life experiences, the good and the bad, and this helps me become a better person every day. Similarly, I love working alongside my colleagues who also share the same enthusiasm for life and neurophysiology!

What's the first thing you do when you get home from work?
The gym. This is my default go-to at the moment and I love it!

What would be your perfect day outside of work?
I’d say wildlife camping – setting up camp in a valley overlooking a lake, surrounded by mountains, with a cup of coffee in my hand and patiently waiting for the sun to set.

What’s your favourite song, book and film?
My favourite song at the moment: Steve Breaux – My World. I listen to music a lot, so it changes frequently!
Favourite book: The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday – still reading this at the moment!
Favourite film: I have a couple, but The Dark Knight and Interstellar by Christopher Nolan has a special place in my heart.

If you could have a pint or pizza with anyone in history, who would it be?
Jesus – I’d like to see and experience at first-hand what it would be like during his days, since he was and still is an influential figure today.

  • Summary:

    I love having conversations with different patients every day in our clinics. It’s an opportunity for me to learn a lot from their life experiences, the good and the bad, and this helps me become a better person every day.

  • Last Updated: