Ruth Bennett - Advanced Neurosciences Pharmacist – Medication Safety

Ruth Bennett

How long have you worked at The Walton Centre?
Since 2016.

What’s your background?
I qualified as a pharmacist in 2011 after completing my pre-registration training at Aintree Hospital. I worked in various clinical roles at LUHFT before moving to this job in 2016.

Tell us about your role.
My role involves many different tasks which can include reviewing patients and prescribing medications, attendance on surgical ward rounds, medication reviews on wards, answering clinical queries from within and outside of the Trust, guideline writing and covering the Aintree pharmacy dispensary. I have recently moved into a role new to the Trust, focusing on medication safety which I am really excited to start.

What would you be if you were not an Advanced Neurosciences Pharmacist?
I wanted to be a dentist but after one work experience day I realised I was too squeamish!

Favourite part of your job?
I really like that every day is so different and I get to be involved with many aspects of patient care, helping patients and my colleagues.

What's the first thing you do when you get home from work?
Give my little boy a big hug!

What would be your perfect day outside of work?
To go out for the day with my family, followed by a babysitter for Rafi and a meal out with my husband!

What’s your favourite song and film?
Song: Scar tissue RHCP, Film: Mrs Doubtfire.

If you could have a pint or pizza with anyone in history, who would it be?
David Attenborough

  • Summary:

    I really like that every day is so different and I get to be involved with many aspects of patient care, helping patients and my colleagues.

  • Last Updated: