Sam Linakar - NMO Nurse Specialist Practitioner in Neurology

Sam Linakar

How long have you worked at The Walton Centre?
Six years.

What's your background?
I first started in nursing in 1993 and worked on an acute medical ward once qualified. Since then, I have worked in a variety of clinical areas including neurology, as an MS nurse both here and in Australia; in primary care as a practice nurse and as part of the NHS health checks programme; for the private sector as a nurse educator; and I also was a partner in a laser clinic for 7 years. In 2015, I began working with the NMO team here at The Walton Centre in an advisory capacity; to help patients with bladder and bowel issues and teach them to catheterise themselves or use irrigation systems. When the job became available on the NMO team, I knew it was where I wanted to be and I was lucky enough to be successful.

Tell us about your role.
My nursing role involves face to face clinics, telephone clinics, maintaining the website, producing information for patients, providing patient education and carrying out research.

What would you be if you were not in your current role?
I would love to have been an artist or a singer but I lack the talent, so I would probably be working with animals if I did not do my current role. I have three dogs whom I adore and would have loved to work with the RSPCA to help protect animals.

Favourite part of your job?
I love patient contact and education. Each year we provide a patient day, in which patients and families from all over the country are invited to attend. I usually run a workshop on bladder and bowel management, and it appears to be much appreciated by everyone. I love the idea of promoting special days and educating our colleagues and patients so that they better understand the diverse country we live in.  

First thing you do when you get home from work?
After being greeted by my dogs, I usually pop the kettle on. Can’t beat a good cup of tea.

Your perfect day outside of work?
A walk with the dogs, long lunch with a friend, dinner at my favourite restaurant with my family and curl up with a good book and a spot of gin at the end of the day.

Favourite song and film?
Favourite song is probably ‘Whole lotta Rosie’ by AC/DC, book is Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier and film would be The Green Mile.

If you could have a pint or pizza with anyone in history, who would it be?
It would have to be the Queen, if only to see her drinking a pint!

  • Summary:

    My nursing role involves face to face clinics, telephone clinics, maintaining the website, producing information for patients, providing patient education and carrying out research. I love patient contact.

  • Last Updated: