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Equality, diversity and inclusion

At The Walton Centre we recognise that there are a variety of different needs and priorities amongst our staff and across the communities we serve. We are committed to improving equality outcomes throughout the Trust. We strive to deliver services that take account of the human rights of every patient and member of staff. The ‘Walton Way’ value system is at the heart of all we do.

The Equality Act 2010

The Equality Act was introduced in October 2010, replacing all previous anti-discrimination legislation. The Equality Act provides protection for people with each of the following characteristics:

In order to meet our obligations under the Equality Act The Walton Centre must:


Public sector equality duty

The Equality Act also includes a public sector equality duty which came into law on 10 September 2011 and sets out that The Walton Centre must:


Equality Delivery System (EDS) 

EDS helps The Walton Centre respond to and meet the specific duties of the public sector equality duty. It requires the Trust to self-assess and report our progress towards excellence in equality of outcomes for everyone, this includes both patients and staff, regardless of their sex, race, disability, sexual orientation, transgender background, religion or belief, age or marital status.

The Walton Centre continues to make good progress against the EDS goals, the EDS2 Report template details the organisation’s most recent and up-to-date EDS information for 2022.


Workforce Race Equality Standard

NHS England have developed the Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) which has been included in the 2015/16 NHS Standard Contract. The standard requires organisations to demonstrate progress against nine indicators of workforce equality.


Equality impact assessments

The Walton Centre is working towards ensuring that all policies, services and functions are equality impact assessed. Prior to any new service being commissioned or any change being made to an existing service consideration for any equality impacts should be made and recorded.

Every department is also required to complete an equality impact assessment at least every three years to identify any potential barriers or risk areas within their department. As part of this, managers are expected to ensure any actions are completed which will improve services to both patients and staff.


Cultural and religious needs of patients

The task of addressing the spiritual and religious needs of those who come into hospital is something we all share. We have prepared a detailed booklet to further enhance our care for everyone, but in particular the patients, within our hospital community.



If you have any questions, queries or concerns relating to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, or would just like to find out more, please contact our Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Lead on 0151 556 3396.














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Page last updated: 09 May 2024