Patient Information Leaflets

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  • Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS)

    Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS) is a neurological disorder characterised by a sudden onset of severe headache associated with narrowing of blood pipes (intracranial vessels) that supply blood to the brain.

  • Rituximab

    Rituximab is a type of intravenous medication called a monoclonal antibody

  • Sacral nerve stimulation

    Sacral nerve stimulation (SNS) is a treatment option, initially developed for people suffering with bladder control problems (difficulty with bladder function for example not feeling the bladder filling or having very little warning to pass water).

  • Sacroiliac joint block

    A sacroiliac joint block is an injection containing a mixture of local anaesthetic and steroid

  • Saddle neurolytic block

    Using saddle neurolytic block for pain relief

  • Safeguarding (Easy read)

    Easy read for safeguarding

  • Safeguarding Leaflet (Easy Read)

    Safeguarding Leaflet (Easy Read)

  • Sight Loss

    A diagnosis of permanent visual impairment can be difficult to come to terms with.  

  • Skull Base Information

    This booklet provides information about the Team, the services we provide and the support we can offer following diagnosis.

  • Skull Base Meningioma

    A meningioma is a type of tumour that grows from the protective membrane (the meninges) which cover the brain and spinal cord.

    A skull base meningioma is one that grows at the base of the skull. There are many areas within the skull base region where a tumour may occur.

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