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Patient Information Leaflets

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  • Lumbar sympathetic block

    A sympathetic nerve block involves injecting medicine around the sympathetic nerves in your lower back. By doing this, the sympathetic system is temporarily blocked in the hope of reducing or eliminating pain.

  • Magnetic Resonance Scanner

    MR scanning is used to investigate a wide variety of conditions. It has several advantages over conventional imaging methods. One of the main advantages is that the procedure does not involve the use of ionising radiation (X-rays).

  • Medial Branch Block

    Facet joint nerve block involves temporarily numbing the nerve supply of the facet joint and adjoining soft tissue.

  • Methadone for Pain

    Methadone is a strong pain killer and is classed as an opioid.

  • Migraine - a comprehensive guide

    There are many different types of headache, migraine, cluster headaches, sinus headache, and more. However, more than 90% of headaches will be caused by migraine – this booklet will help you to identify if your headaches are due to migraine and if so, how best to stop them happening.

  • Monitoring Surgical Wounds for Infection

    A surgical wound infection occurs when germs from our skin and the environment enter the incision that the surgeon makes through the skin in order to carry out the operation.

  • Motor Neurone Disease - Multidisciplinary Clinic

    A multidisciplinary clinic involves a group of healthcare professionals, known as the multidisciplinary team.

  • Motor Neurone Disease - Neuropsychology

    Are you interested in being referred to neuropsychology?

  • Motor Neurone Disease - Nurse Specialist Service

    The nurse service is available for anyone who has a diagnosis of Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and is under the care of The Walton Centre.

  • Motor Neurone Disease - Palliative Care

    Palliative care aims to achieve the best quality of life for patients with a terminal condition and also support the patient’s family and friends. It is provided by a coordinated team of health care professionals. 

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